
13 January 2012

3san - "awak dah kapel?" erkkk..!

Pada suatu hari yang indah, chewahh! gurau saje...

Assalamu'alaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh~ x jawab dosa, jawab sayang~

hurmm, kali nieh 3 nak ckap pasal sesuatu yg dh lme ade, cuma x berape didedahkan...

Seorang kenalan pernah bertanye : "ko x pena kapel ke?

'mestilah x, haha...'

"ko nieh peliklah aq tgok, kan rmai je suke kt ko, asal ko rijek sume?"


asal senyum je? ke ko dh kapel tanpe pengetahuan aq? ish

larh, ape nie? aq x suke la kapel... ko kalo ade kapel, ape je yg ko slalu buat?

ermm, mstilah gi dating, wajib tuh!

waktu tgh dating, ape je yg korang buat?

well, cam biase je lah, xde pape sgat, tgok wayang, shopping, borak2, cenggitu je...kalau bosan aq clash lar ngan dye...

kalo camtuh, ape bezanya dengan kawan biase? cuma dia lawan jantina je... x ke ko rse bazir duit gi dating? dating pun bukannye datang faedah, bazir duit sbb hubungan cm kwn biase2 je... aq rse lah kan ko confuse antara hubungan 'kawan' dan 'kekasih'!

.......  kenape ko x nak kapel ek? pelik aq... kan normal kapel tuh?

:) I believe that someone, somewhere is waiting for me and just for me~ And I BELIEVE in HIS fate... xD

Ya ALLAH, kau berikanlah hidayah bagi sepupu ku itu, AMEEN~ abes citer, itu je citernye... sori lah, 3 x reti nak buat post panjang2 + cari ayat quran + hadis + penjelasan ayat mantap punyer... well, nak dijadikan cerita, sekarang ni bukan budak2 sek keb je yg kapel, budak2 tahfiz pun dh "MAJU" sekarang nieh.. kte mereka " ketinggalan giler spe yg x pena kapel nieh.. bajet SUCI je lebih!!"bagi dorang, kapel ni dh jdi cm satu keperluan... 3 rasa la kan, bnde pasal kapel niey x bole ckap secara teori, kene bagi dorang jelas pasal hukum kapel... kalau x, x mustahil suatu hari nnti mungkin sahabat baik kita sendiri yg slalu kasi ceramah free sebab x tutup aurat etc. yg dh ade kapel... 3 cuma ckap based on my experience and observation je, sekian~

#Ingat! Couple HARAM hukumnya... You will never know the true meaning of LOVE, until you have been truly LOVED... And you will never undestand what PAIN really is, until you have lost LOVE... Seek for ALLAH's love for HE is AL-WADUD~Selamatkanlah sahabat2 anda sebelum mereka tidak boleh diselamatkan lagi... UHIBBUKI FILLAH!! <3


  1. na'uzhubillahi min zalik,
    Insyallah I hope and always make dua that Allah will never place us among ones that disobey Him.Ameen~

    the prophet pbuh said,"there is nothing better for two who love each other than marriage"

    people are now ignorant with our prophet's words and it's our duty spreading the words to them.rite3? >_<

    let's get married to prevent 'kapel' ;)

  2. 4;ever >

    dont get me wrongla.. :(
    get married when the right time comes TT

    for the time being,
    as a student,seek Allah's ridha by study hard and try to be awesome in addmaths!woohoo!

    mode:struggling-boosters +math

    *_*#! siapa nak tulong..?!uwaaa

  3. hehehe... I don't think there'd be any problem if getting married early... :D
    because it's better to control our nafs...

  4. ye..mmg x m'jdi masalah untk khwin d usia muda..
    cara lain untk kawal nafs x semestinua dgn b'kahwin..
    Nabi kta..bleh jgk b'puasa untk control nafs.
    jadi yuk puasa sunat byk2..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Waa! Nmpknye hangat betul bila topik kawen ni. Betul x?

    >7, saya x beli lagi buku booster addmath..;(

  7. 3-san & 6,~ >

    both of you are right!masyallah!

    hmm..depends on the situations,if a person can't control his/her nafs,getting married is not a problem.but!they must know the pros&cons of be committed and take huge responsibilities require patience.unfortunately......hate to say this,but..majority of young people are actually kinda impatient.right?

    while for the person who still has their iman and mujahadah linafsihi to keep on fasting and always believe that one day,Allah will grant him/her the perfect spouse when the right time comes.this will benefits both him/herself and their spouse to be ;)

    4;ever >truly right!waa!dh mcm kursus kahwin #_#!
    addmath sebenarnya agak seronok bila dpt jawapan :p

  8. Ahah,kursus kawen?

  9. ohhoo, nmpak cm x sabar nak kahwin..? ahahah, gurau2...

  10. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious Most Merciful...

    moga shbt2 dikurniakn jodoh yg soleh dn musleh...AMEEN...

    skrg, x perlu runsing2 fikir pasal insan b'nama lelaki (exc atuk, ayah, abang n adik llk)~percaya Allah dh tetapkn jodoh utk kita~

    skrg, ayuh STUDY HARD!!! moga Islam kembali dijulang! dan kitalah org yg akn menjulang islam!!! InsyaAllah!

  11. hehe, 9, bukannye mau bicare pasal lelaki, cume mahu semua tahu, yg maybe satu hari x mustahil kawan2 kita sendiri yg dulu alim gile dah ade kapel, sbb belajar dgn teori sje x cukup, kita sepatutnye kene paham hakikat dunia zaman sekarang, sbb kalau kita x paham, nnti maybe kita sndiri yg berkapel...

  12. wah3..9 b'semangat sunggoh!
    saya jdi b'semangat jgk..eheh!tempias smpai cni
    "...moga Islam kembali djulang!dan KITAlah org yg akn menjulang Islam!!!"
    AMEEN...Ya Allah perkenankanlah doa shbt2 ku
    moga sama2 kita masuk surgaNya
